Welcome to the School of Interactive Arts & Technology

The School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), located at SFU's Surrey Campus, is an interdisciplinary research-focused school where technologists, artists, designers, and theorists collaborate in innovative research and immersive study.

A degree in Interactive Arts and Technology prepares students to play a leading role in the conception of new media and the design of inventive technologies. A SIAT education combines the science of human experience, the analysis of media and culture, the creation of original and experimental works of art, and the implementation of new technologies. Students bring these resources to bear on the most vital and innovative sectors of the economy, building the technologies and experiences that increasingly shape our lives.

In Memory of Russell Taylor

Russell, a university lecturer at SFU, was a valued faculty member of SIAT for 22 years. 

He overflowed with passion for design, designers, and design education with an energy that was matched only by his commitment to students. He was an exceptional teacher, mentor and above all else, an extraordinary person. 

We mourn the loss of an exceptional colleague.

In memoriam

Russell Taylor
The butterfly tent, an early proof of concept of a biofeedback-based emotion regulation game designed for school age children. Designed by professor Alissa N. Antle and Jinsil Seo.

Discover Interdisciplinary Research

Researchers in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology conduct multi-disciplinary research on technology and the human experience and explore the broad implications of advanced information and media technologies. 

Explore SIAT research

SIAT Stands Against Racism in All its Forms

We stand with all Indigenous, Black, Asian, South Asian, Latin American, Latinx, Muslim, and all People of Colour—including our students, our colleagues, their families, friends and communities—who bear the weight of systemic racism. We commit to building and sustaining an inclusive and safe community for our students, faculty, and staff. 

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